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Erica Meerbach

S I N G E R  &  A C T O R


No matter what other interests I had growing up, I knew I was always going to be a performer. Although my musical interests have led me everywhere from classical to middle eastern, musical theatre took a hold of my heart and hasn't let go.


Because of my wide interest in music, the Berklee College of Music became the number one pick for my BA in Performance, and I couldn't be happier with it. Being at this school has allowed me to study many eras of jazz, Motown, pop, rock, indie, folk, and many more. However, I always keep musical theatre as my focus, which has led to me getting the lead role of Helena in Berklee teacher Rene Pfister's original adaptation of A Midsummer Night's Dream this upcoming fall.


Set to graduate spring of 2015, my next goal is to go for my MA in musical theatre over in my dream city, London, England.

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